Friday, June 21, 2013

Yo no entiendo: A Dinner to Remember

June 19th - 1900

After 14 hours of flying, layovers and lugging  combined total of 38 kg of personal belongings around, Sienmi and I were ready to pass out...literally.

We arrived in Cusco at 1605 (right on time) and were comfortably ensconced in our private 2-bed/1ba hostel room by 1730.

By 1900 though after countless cups of warm, soothing coca leaf tea, we were ready to drag ourselves out of bed and find some good eats!

Pacha Papa ($$) in San Blas was a recommendation by Lonely Planet as well as our local taxi driver when we asked for the "mejor restaurant" in Cusco.  Maybe even try the cuy (I'll let you decipher that local delicacy:D)

Short story: we ended up on Arequipa Street a short distance from Pariwana Hostel at the recommendation of some cheap good (S./8-9 per dish) eats by the front desk attendant.

Entrez Restaurunte Egos - Menu looked fairly clear...and we figured that we couldn't go wrong ordering....the pollo.  Who doesn't like chicken?

One hour later, this is what we managed to order between non-English speaking server and non-Spanish/Quechua speaking gringos (us):


We wanted local, we GOT local lol.  Definitely should have at least downloaded a Spanish dictionary or brought with us our Lonely Planet guidebook with common translation appendix in the back.

En somme:  the bebidas calientes of hot chocolate con leche was delicious in the evening 34F temperature and eh why not a little chocolate german cake appetizer before our pollo dorado and milineza de pollo main course.

Milaneza di Pollo

La cuenta (bill)
2 chocolat con leche (bebidas calientes) S./ 10
1 slice of chocolate cake S./3.5 (accidently ordered when we were trying to find out our pollo status)
2 pollo entrees S./14
Total S./27.50 = $10.91

Realising how much can actually be lost in translation and that I should have taken the time to pick up a little more Spanish in L.A.  --> Priceless!

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