Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cuanto cuesta? : Shopping in Cusco - Mercado San Pedro

June 21st

Hmmm... Sacred Valley tour from 8am - 6pm while still nursing some altitude sickness or a kick back day of sleeping in and shopping?

With 3 girls and 1 guy traveling you can guess what our agenda entailed for the day:)

1st stop:  Mercado San Pedro - Cuzco's central market - total flea market (or as I called it the local "Costco")
Imbibing some refreshing  $$ coconut (S/.4) just after a queasy stomach night getting use to the local fair..

Fruit lover heaven!  Unfortunately I could hardly name any but Sienmi was a pro!

Reminds me of the markets in Asia as well with a "Meat" aisle (not pictured...I just had to walk quickly by the raw chopped chicken innards and thighs with feet still attached).

Fruits aisles were lovely and colorful...wish I ate fruit on a regular basis so I could identify them.  Sienmi was pretty good at locating her favorite cherimoya for a "steal" (1 kilo for S/.7)!

Cherimoya!  Super affordable per Sienmi - her fave fruta!
Then there were herbs and textile sections.  Then lunch at the food court!  I had a little stomach queasiness from yesterday's ceviche (possible culprit) so the hearty chicken soup looked awesome...until the woman scooping the fusilli noodles used her hands to pull out the chicken meat and also count the money AND package the to-go noodle bagged orders.  Um non, gracias.

So pretty...wishing I had an apt to bring them back to!

So we picked the busiest food court bench and got:

Fried Trucha (trout)...Yay learned another dish to order:D

Pollo apanado (grilled chicken)

Food court restaurant menu...what would YOU order?
Umm...translator please!! lol

2nd stop:  Museo de Cacao (free!) - Chocolate museum
Yum, lovely dark Peruvian chococolates.  I had hot milk and melted some dark cacao with nibs into it.  Chocolate tea was lovely and sweeter than expected (like water hot chocolate)
Cherimoya truffles...what???! :D
Coca leaves...DO NOT bring back with you to US hehe


  1. But between the three girls and one guy, don't forget WHO actually initiated the trip to San Pedros Market! ;)

  2. Loving the blog! Thanks for recapping our adventures!
